September meeting of Mark Grand Lodge
“The Usual Suspects”
12th September 2017
Tuesday 12th September commenced in the usual way with me catching the 0850 Train from Chester travelling to London to attend the September meeting of Grand Lodge. The journey was uneventful and London as usual was busy with people and traffic, it never alters.
I arrived at Great Queen Street and deposited my bag in the robbing room and made my way over to the pillars, which is the usual meeting place for the West Lancashire contingent. It was nice to see Ian Nairn back in circulation, after his recent eye problems
I had a couple of drinks, but it was soon it was time to attend the meeting in the Grand Temple. Seating was not a problem as the meeting did not have the numbers that attend for the investiture meetings held in June. West Lancashire was as usual, well represented with 14 people in attendance not including the acting officers.
The meeting started on time with the usual procedure and then called off.
We were then given a talk by one of the recipients of the grant by Mr Paul Barrett OBE Chairman of the board of Trustees for the Chiltern Centre for the Disabled for the amount of £14,500 for the refurbishment of the sensory room. Together with a thought provoking, previously unheard poem.
After Grand Lodge was closed we adjourned to the Connaught Rooms had pre festive board drinks and then to the dining room. It was this time a very cosy affair due to the large dining room already being in use. The food was good and the wine flowed freely, and the conversation was varied and stimulating. Although some of our contingent were seated away from us. Not to worry we soon met up and situation resolved.
We then retired to the Pillars across the road where the conversation and banter continued before leaving to retire to the station to board trains home.
It was again another day at grand lodge to be remembered and I cannot recommend to you all that you make the effort to attend.
The PGM RW Bro Keith has asked if you can help to identify this building. If you can please tell him next time you see him. The identity will be revelled in my next article.
Words and pictures by David Richards